Who are we?

Baringer Analytics was born out of a love for variety. Data comes in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. We want to experience them all and there’s no better way to do that than consulting.

In addition to this, we saw a gap in the marketplace that seems to be widening instead of shrinking: Soft Skills and consistent industry knowledge. The way we communicate is changing rapidly, often for the better but also with some challenges. We aim to not only help your teams learn the KPIs, best practices, and design standards for your industry but also the communication and people skills that can improve collaboration across the organization.

We love people. We love Data. We love learning. Consulting for various organizations lets us combine all three of those and hopefully pass some of that love on to your teams.

You probably guessed that Joseph Baringer was the founder and owner of Baringer Analytics. You guessed right. After spending his early working years doing everything from federal service to building power plants Joseph tripped over basic SQL and landed in the data analytics field. A people person first and foremost, his excitement to blend soft skills with Fortune 500 (and 100!) experience will be evident after your first conversation.

Another Joe? Yes, it’s a popular name. Joseph Fuentes brings a unique and valuable world view to the firm. With leadership skills from the United States Marine Corps along with a couple of Ivy League degrees he gives the firm a complete understanding of how the data we work with impacts not only our partner organizations but the world as a whole.

Our Values


People First

Your reporting might be impeccable but if your business partners don’t like working with you it’s all for naught. The soft skills we bring and teach can make partners at every level excited about working with you and the data you present.

Data should be engaging

One of the things we love about data is the chance to flex some creative muscle. Yes, it’s all about presenting accurate reporting. That doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with it. We can teach your teams to find the fun in data and bring that energy to their presentations.

Relationships matter

Let’s face it. Most knowledge workers think of themselves as hired guns just looking for the next payday. The days of company men aiming for that gold watch are gone. We can’t bring that back but hopefully we can get your team to see the value in building and maintaining long term relationships with your organization. We certainly do.


Good things come to those who wait

Everyone wants to be a manager by the end of their first year and they don’t understand why they can’t be. We’ve been at this for a while ourselves. Let us sprinkle a little bit of that experience around and remind your teams that good things come to those who wait. Stick around at a company for a few years. Get some knowledge and face time (Or zoom time) in and really grow the right way.

Failures can be successes

Look, we all mess up. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. We believe in doing things the right way but if you’re going to fail, fail fast. Is your end user telling you the numbers on your report look off? Don’t argue with them. Find out why they look off. Maybe your calculation is wrong or you’re using the wrong denominator. That failure just taught you something and admitting you were wrong just strengthened your relationship with your end user.